3D areola tattooing is a form of medical tattooing that can help to create the illusion of 3D nipples! This tattooing technique can be used following mastectomy, breast enlargement, reduction or uplift surgery and gender reasignment surgery. My clinic is a friendly, respectful and inclusive environment.

What is 3D Areola tattooing?
3D areola tattooing is a form of medical tattooing that can help to create the illusion of 3D nipples! This tattooing technique can be used following mastectomy, breast enlargement, reduction or uplift surgery and gender reasignment surgery. My clinic is a friendly, respectful and inclusive environment.
How is it done?
This is a traditional tattooing method.
As this is a form of traditional tattooing, the results are expected to last and not fade away. This helps to remove the trauma of having to continue visiting a hospital for top ups every few years, thereby enabling my clients to come to the end of their breast cancer or gender reasignment journey and move forward with their life.
Who is a good candidate for this technique?
This tattooing technique can be used following mastectomy, breast enlargement, reduction or uplift surgery and gender reasignment surgery. My clinic is a friendly, respectful and inclusive environment.
Pain & discomfort
Pain is relative, however the procedure itself shouldn’t be painful. During the procedure, an ointment can be applied to help minimise pain and discomfort.
Will I need a patch test?
Yes. All clients will be required to complete a patch test at least 48 hours before their treatment.
Will I need a top up?
Yes absolutely! The treatment is conducted in two parts, the initial treatment and the top up. Without the top up the area may appear patchy and unfinished. The 8 week top up is included in the initial treatment price. Top ups outside of this timeframe are chargeable. The top up cannot be performed earlier than 8 weeks after the initial treatment as we need to wait for the area to fully heal before making any adjustments. Some individuals may require further top ups due to lifestyle, skin type, poor aftercare and other factors. We are not responsible for poor pigment retention or poor aftercare and these actions will result in needing further top ups. Additional top ups are not included in the price of the treatment and are chargeable.
What are the risks?
If you find a highly skilled and knowledgeable practitioner who is aware of your skin type and medical history, then having any type of semi-permanent makeup treatment should be a safe process. You should always do your research and choose the right practitioner for your needs.
There is no definitive answer as to whether we can offer a cover up as this is dependent on the shape, colour and positioning of the previous work. If you have badly-performed semi-permanent makeup, you may need to opt for a removal procedure first. Please contact us to arrange a consultation.
Accutane, Allergies, Alopecia, Autoimmune Disease, Blisters, Breastfeeding, Cancer, Covid-19, Diabetes, Eczema, Epilepsy, Fainting Episodes, Fever, Glaucoma, Haemophilia, Herpes, Hepatitis, Heart Condition, High Blood Pressure, High Temperature, HIV Positive, Issues with wound healing, Keloid Scarring, Organ Transplant, Pregnant, Skin Diseases, Taking Medication, Tumours, Growths or Cysts, Undergoing Chemotherapy, Undergoing Radiotherapy. If you suffer with a condition not listed, this doesn’t automatically mean you are not suitable to undergo the treatment. However, in some circumstances you may be required to have a consultation with your GP prior to the treatment. If you are currently taking medication and/or still unsure whether you are suitable for your chosen treatment, please contact us at info@aliciadowling.com prior to booking. Failure to disclose information may be detrimental to your health and safety during the treatment. There are several risks from withholding information which include, an increased risk of infection, bleeding, compromising the end results and risking further complications, poor healing or scarring.